Search engine results specialist Dallas, TX
Your here because your website doesn't show up in the search results

Your website doesn't show up in any of Google's search results that help
That's probably because your designer completely ignored what Google can do for you

Let Alexander Digital show you what is possible when Google is your friend!

Dallas, TX search engine results optimization

Your business website and Google

One thing about all websites, unless you built one for family and friends to connect which is basically a hobby. Without your site appearing in googles
search engine nobody will ever see it, unless you give someone the domain name of your site. For the business owner that sort of defeats the
purpose of investing in one, the success of your business website in part (but a very important part) is having a relationship with google and
understanding how Google's algorithm works.

And that's what this page is all about understanding how to establish that relationship, how important google is for connecting with your potential customer
or client, and just as important what Google's algorithm expects when it comes and index's (crawls) your site. You wanted to know why your website isn't
helping your business make a profit, this is a major reason because my guess (but an educated one) is your website designer had no clue how to do
any of the things we are going to talk about.

Business-website optimization

Now I wanted to show you what is possible if your local business website is properly optimized for keywords that will bring you new customers or clients.

Just as important "buyers" as opposed to "window shoppers", now this is for a business website targeting law firms in Lexington North Carolina. Specifically, for construction and workplace accidents or injuries, now unless you work in this industry you might not know but this is a huge problem in the United States.

So building a website targeting just this type of accident will almost certainly make any law firm probably a great deal of money even with just a few new clients. Especially if it's a few new clients calling each month.

For our potential client we built 2 websites like we showed you in the keyword page video one on Cloudflare and one on Amazon, and for both sites we targeted about 32 keywords each.

Now they are different keywords but similar, you can't target the same keywords for both without getting into trouble with Google.

Basically one of the sites Google won't list in their search engine, but all 10 sites we built in North Carolina also have a corresponding site on Amazon.

And the reason we did this was just to test the results we would get, but all the sites we did in that state all rank pretty much the same for the keywords we targeted. Which is page 1 on Google for most of them.

Telling Google your site is live

Everyday right around a quarter million websites are created, now Google is good but even they have limits on what they can do on any given day. So if you
want Google to know about your business website and get it ranked quickly in the search results, it's best to tell them. Otherwise it can be weeks or more probably months down the line before they stumble across your website, and at least for my business time is money.

But just letting Google know your site is up and published to the internet isn't even close to how you want to use Google to help your business. They can do so much more to help your site be more productive and just as important also let you know if there are any problems with your website you should be aware of.
So how do you tell Google about your website, you need two things most people over the age of 12 have.

A g-mail address and a phone number that's it, that's all you need to open a google account that will let you communicate with them and just as important lets them communicate with you. Now this is something your site designer should have done and probably didn't. But without this account you have no way to
tell Google's algorithm your site is live and you would like it indexed.

Search engine business optimization Dallas, TX

Website consultants

Static sites versus dynamic sites

Then another thing about your site and google, it's algorithm doesn't like static sites. All things being equal google will rank a dynamic site over a static site in the search engines every time. (a dynamic site is one that is occasionally updated)

The only thing the business owner has in his favor, is that the chances are these problems also affect his competitor's website.

There are too many things that will have a negative effect on how well your website performs, and even little things can affect your bottom line.

So as a business owner how are you supposed to know why your site doesn't seem to be doing it's job? You can't unless you
have a lot of time to spend on figuring out what the problem is, and meanwhile you have a business to run.

Besides, who do you ask, you can't ask the website designer who built the site and if you try to do a google search you will have so many opinions you won't know what to think.

Which is where you run into information overload, so you're stuck with what most business owners do. Go back to getting your business the way you always have and you write off the website expenses as something that didn't work.

We didn't like that option, let us show you what a properly designed website can do for your bottom line.

Googles search console

This is where you tell google about your site and once it's set up, you use it to index your site for the first time, or anytime you make any changes to your site.
It's also what lets you know if it finds any problems with your site that comes up. Keep in mind they will, this is not a guess or maybe there will be problems
that will come up and if they are not dealt with your site could suffer in the search results.

So once you have your Google search account you are going to put your domain name into the main console page and google will generate a line of code similar to this <meta name="google-site-verification" content="aycMOVPUBMuKLMR3qfkmsOGuUwTEbnyZnermvl2bUTo" /> that is unique to your site. But the problem is it needs to be added to the code (specifically the html code on the top of your index page) and the website design company almost certainly didn't do this.

But the reason it's so important is without this code on your site Google doesn't know the site is yours and is not going to do any of the many things it can do to get your site higher rankings in their search engine. Should you the business owner need this information, NO this is something your website designer should
do after they build any business website and publish it to the internet. But it's one of the things that affect how well your website does in the search engines.

SEO companies, it's what they don't say that bothers me

Now let me say up front, we've never used any SEO companies so all I can go by is the information I've been able to gather about them from people who have. Which is all second hand, and the information I have found on their websites.

And from what I can see is the major companies all do pretty much the same thing, they target organic traffic by adding or altering the content of you site to target some buyer keywords. And they also will do pay-per-click campaigns on high value search terms, and what they can't do they contract out to other specialists.

Well, it sounds very good for the business owner, but to me it also sounded like the ding, ding, ding of a cash register. Their fee to start runs on the low side at $1500 to $2500 on the high side for a month, and one thing I did notice is they would get your site on page 1 of Googles search engine.

But they also went out of their way to say they can't promise #1 on page one, but I'm not going to hold that against them we don't make promises like that either. I just wonder why stress it, but it doesn't really matter because of all the SEO companies none of them say anything about the mindset of the visitor.

As you saw in the video we don't stop at one spot on the search results page, one spot is good but I think two or three are better, now they don't say how many keywords they target but I'm guessing they don't target the 30 to 35 we do per website.

But unless the site has been designed from the ground up with the customer or client foremost in the designer's thoughts. They will bounce, because getting them to your site is at least to us the easy part.

Keeping them there from the top of the home page to the bottom where you have a better than even chance of turning the visitor into a customer is the hard part.

And we don't tell you what we can do over the next 3 or 4 months, (and cost you around 10 grand) we've already done the work before we even look for a client.

One thing anyone knows about the internet, anybody can say anything they want, but until they can show me results I'm not going to waste my time.

search engine results page

Once you have your website verified by Google, why it's important

Once your site has been verified by google you need to do a URL inspection, that's when Google's algorithm will scan your whole site and after the scan it
will tell you that it's not in Google's search results. Well of course it isn't, it's a brand new site so you can add it to the queue (get in line) to be added to
the search engines. (Don't sweat it takes a day or two sometimes just a couple hours) But while you're on this page there is one thing to do that's
just as important, a live URL inspection.

This usually takes a few minutes but you need to do it to every page of your site because Google's algorithm will tell you if there is anything wrong with
the page that needs to be fixed. And depending on how efficient your designer is you might see three or four green check marks, or you could see red
exclamation points, (I figure you have a 50/50 shot) if you haven't guessed those aren't something you want to see because google expects you to
fix those problems. If you don't, your site isn't going to end up on page 1 of Google's search for any keyword that is going to help your business.

Dallas, TX search engine results page consultants

4 Foolproof Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Website

Google and your business website
So as a business owner you probably thought or someone told you, you're going to need a website to bring in new business. Sounds like a good investment for any business, in the world we live in today every business should have a website because when people want or need something the first thing they do is look whatever it is up on their favorite search engine.

And in this case I'm going to use google as an example, there are other search engines but google is by far the biggest and even the term "I'll just google it" is a common saying in the English language.

Probably other languages as well, but in the United States if someone wants something or has a problem they can't deal with on their own they "google it". Now I believe I mentioned 75% of searches every day are done for just these two reasons, someone wants something and they're looking for more information.

Now, for those who want something cost probably ranks near the top of anyone's list, followed by where to get the best deal and of course can it be delivered. There could be any number of reasons for the search, but it boils down to someone wants something important enough to their life they are willing to look up how to get it.

Now the second reason is someone has a problem and they don't know how to fix it. Most of us go through our lives, solving all the problems that come up everyday and probably don't give it too much thought beyond spending the time on how to fix whatever the problem is.

Nobody goes through life without problems (how boring would that be) and part of being an adult is learning how to deal with our problems. And let's face it, without learning how to deal with problems we wouldn't continue to expand our minds or bodies. (can anyone say couch potato)

But this book is about you as a local business owner and the relationship between the business website you invested in, the company you hired to create the website, and Google's algorithm.

For a business website to do it's job in other words to bring in new clients, customers, patients, ect. to have the people find your business and buy or call you instead of one of your competitors then you as the business owner needs to understand some things about how this works.

What your potential customer or client want to see when they come to your site and just as important what that customer doesn't care about. And why it's so important that google knows everything you are doing, and unfortunately what most business website designers have no idea how to do or don't consider it their job.  

Google and pay-per-click advertising.
Now I don't want to give you a history lesson here, but you as the business owner who had a website created to help bring in new business need to understand how important to that google is.

And it's something most website designers ignore, but if your website is going to do it's job this is something that can't be ignored. First let's agree that a website is just another way to advertise your business right?

After all, when you look at the top and down the right side of any search you do you will see banner ads. Someone is paying google every time someone clicks on that banner. And it doesn't matter if the person stays on that site for 5 minutes or 5 seconds, every time someone clicks google gets paid.

That's called pay-per-click advertising and it's also what changed google (which was called Backrub) into google by a couple of Stanford University students.

Larry and Sergey one day realized the potential for any business to have their banner at the top of the page when someone searches for exactly what the business was providing would be a tremendous advantage for the business so they made the business or company bid on that spot.

No search engine had done this before and google became google, even the name is just an expression of the number 1 followed by 100 zeros.

Now none of this is something the business owner needs to know but what you do need to understand is unless your website isn't using the full resources of google in your efforts to bring in new business your website is more of a liability than an asset.

And any web designer who doesn't understand this, is a designer who is only doing half their job.

One last thing about pay-per-click advertising, it still makes google a ton of money every second of every day. However as well as it used to work, it's not quite that effective anymore.

We even have a term for this that's called "banner blindness" and it's just that most people are so used to seeing these banners we just don't notice them anymore.

If you do a search you will find around 5 million websites giving their views on this phenomenon. Probably, by so-called experts who are happy to give their opinion, but it doesn't change the fact that if your site isn't in the organic listings you have a much lower chance of someone clicking on your link to come to your site.

Ok enough of the history lesson, boring absolutely but something you need to know as a business owner who want's to get the most positive results from their site.

Getting your site indexed by google.
Now I can't tell you everything google looks at when it index's a new site, just on the topic of keywords I would have to write a large book on the subject to explain the proper way to use them.

But as an example of what the algorithm looks at the first thing is the page title now most business owners want the name of the business right? But this is also something that is not going to help your site rank well for the keywords (search terms) you're targeting in search engines.

In order to rank well on the search engines, the words used on the page are one of the things Google's algorithm looks at. This is another subject that would take a large book, but a few things will at least give you some idea of what the algorithm looks at.

You need a keyword in the title and a lot of different places on the page in a different font size and bolded in some keywords, use a keyword too many times the algorithm
will penalize your site.

If the keyword isn't used enough you won't get the rank you're looking for, also remember the text (article or paragraph) has to be on the topic of the site and read well.

Give value to whoever reads it, this is just a part of what Google's algorithm looks for and anyone who is any good at this knows it's as much art as it is science.

search engine optimization

Search engine keyword business consultants Dallas, TX

This is not everything Google does for you, but it does give you the basics

Now everything I've talked about here isn't anything a business owner needs to know, it's not your job. Your job is to run your business whether you are a
doctor, lawyer, plumber, or an animal groomer, it doesn't matter. You hired some company to build a business website now to me that means a
website that is going to help any business make a profit, it's kind of a no-brainer.

Except for a lot of local businesses or companies, that's not what you got and the only answer I have to why not is the profit margin of the website design company. But I also have a problem with that explanation, can most website design companies in this country think all the things I've tried to explain
can't think "that's not in their job description"?

But, keyword research, the mindset of the potential customer or client, using Google to increase the businesses profit margin, and designing a business
website that appeals to the visitor who is ultimately going to pay for it. I can't imagine any designer who didn't at least ask themselves, is my work going
to help the business that is paying me? And this is another piece of the puzzle that explains why your website doesn't produce the results you expected.

search engine results optimization
local business Google SERP specialist

Now, as part of what we consider our job we spend a lot of time thinking about what else we can do to make a larger profit for our client, and we spend a great deal of time testing our ideas.

search engine results page specialists
expert search engine results page consultants

Part of that process is thinking about what brought the visitor to your site and attempting to connect to that person on an emotional level, this is the best way to turn a visitor into a customer.

search engine results page experts
local business Google SERP consultants

And part of finding these people is search engine optimization, now SEO companies do part of this but what we do is optimize the site before we even build it. As you can see from the vid, which works better?

alexander digital design
expert keyword specialist for local business

For us this seems the best way to do it, every website we design from keyword research on down is with two things in mind. The visitor who will pay the bills and Google's algorithm which brings them to your door.

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P: (214) 441-6064

400 N Ervay St,
Dallas, TX 75201