Top local business website consultants
Your here because your website designer didn't target any keywords

Targeted keywords are the life blood of any business website
Your site designer built your site to appeal to you, when it should appeal to your visitor
Let Alexander Digital Properties explain what your problem is and how we can fix it!

Search terms and mindsets

What does a google search have to do with mindsets? Actually just about everything, your website should have been designed from the ground up with knowing exactly what search terms to target. And to know which terms to target you need to know the mindset of the person doing the search, what they are looking
for or what problem their trying to fix. These two things are central to your website design and if it becomes an asset or a liability for your business.

Every website designer should have started with a list of keywords or search terms to target before they even started to build your site, because without that Google's algorithm will have to guess what your site is about. And once you make it guess, your website ends up on page 2 or 10 of the search engines,
neither of which will make any difference to your bottom line. Nobody goes to page two of google, and the search terms you do show on will not be
ones that a paying customer would use anyway.

Local business website optimization Dallas, TX

Why Google's search console is
so important

I did this video because it's going to give you a better idea how easy it would have been for the website designer to do this when they built your site and to be honest for the designers who don't know how.

With a little extra effort on their part and 20 minutes of their time, it will have a major impact on how fast your business website shows up in the search engines.

Just as important I've also showed what happens that even if they do this. It's not going to solve any problems that come up in the future, but at least this way if there are problems Google's search console will let someone know.

Now this isn't going to have too much effect on how well the website helps the ROI for your business.

Without a change on how they design the sites they build and start thinking about why the visitor came to the site in the first place, they will probably
continue to build websites that only makes a profit for the design company.

Local business website keyword specialist Dallas, TX

Your customer or clients mindset

I talk a lot about the mindset of your potential customer because those people are what any successful business website is all about, your customer. Your business website isn't about you, except in the sense that you have what the customer wants or you can help someone with a problem to find the answers
they are looking for and fix it. (whatever "it" happens to be) The only other purpose of the website is to show a positive ROI for your business, that's all.

Everything else about your website is about your customer and keeping them on your site until they either pull out their wallet or call you to make an appointment. And if you think that's easy you're quite wrong, because this is where the rubber meets the road. It's the designer's job to keep anyone
who visits your site to stay there and keep scrolling until they get to the bottom of the page, if they do their job well you might have a new customer.

The problem I've seen is, most of these designers don't have a clue how to do this and if asked the reply would probably be "not in my job description"
But the average business owner doesn't know enough about my business to even know to ask, and by the time they become aware there might be
a problem that designer is long gone.

expert business website consultants

BOUNCE RATES and how they effect your ROI.

This is another pretty important term to understand for the business owner because it effects how long someone stays on your site, the first thing the "user" sees when they come to your site and what will make a potential customer or client leave your site (or bounce) before they do what you want them to do.

Because your bounce rate will kill the chances of your websites ever actually having any effect on your bottom line. And there are so many things that can effect your bounce rate, any decent website designer SHOULD BE AWARE of this fact.

And almost none give it any thought at all, actually most probably have never heard the term, or even knows what it means when it comes to site design.

And if someone "bounces" from your site you have less than a 10% chance they will come back, in other words you've lost a sale of a client.

What causes someone to buy from one website and not the other

This is something your website designer should know and very few do, why buy from them and not me. That's a good question and if you asked 10 people
why they bought from this company or business and not the other guy, you would get ten different answers. All would probably be different and those
people would have very logical reasons for why they did and believe every word, and they would all be wrong.

People don't buy or hire someone for logical reasons, it's done from emotional responses that most people aren't even aware of because it happens on a subconscious level so unless your a student of cognitive psychology (and what are the odds of that) my answer won't help. Except one thing that will
help and it's something we use in all our websites, "a story". Some of the best authors, reporters, and especially Hollywood screen writers know this.

Give someone a good compelling story that is relevant to whatever brought the person to your site. Space it out in a few sentences or a chapter down your
page and have an ending that gets an emotional response from the reader and chances are you have a potential client or customer.(on our sites,
we put the ending right next to our contact section)

So why did they buy from the other guy, because something about their site struck a cord with this person. And I've seen this happen time and time again, someone's website is getting a lot more customers even though they have an inferior or even more expensive product and their website looks like a child
made it. It happens and it happens quite often, and it's because their writer knew what he was doing and knew how to get the response they wanted.

Your business website and wordpress 

KEYWORDS and why they are so important.
Ok keywords most people understand keywords are just search terms right? So why bring up something that most of you already understand, I bring it up because search terms or "keywords" are extremely
important to any business website.

The first reason is the keywords you target for your site will mean the difference between finding someone who needs your help or service and someone who is just "window shopping".

It's relatively simple to get your website either one of these visitors if you know how, however as a business owner I would rather have 10 buyers interested in my service than a thousand "window shoppers".

And how you separate the two is by the use of the keywords you target on your site, and for the business owners out there I'm sorry but the website design company you probably paid a lot of money too...

THEY DON'T TARGET ANY keywords when they built your site, they said exactly what you wanted them to say. And you don't know anymore about buyer keywords than the designer does.

What your site designer should've done and probably didn't.
The first thing any website designer should do is keyword research, because those will help people find your site but just as important they will only attract the people who are looking for your service and understand at some point it's going to cost them. (buyers instead of window shoppers)

Now the reason your designer should do keyword research first is simple, your site is designed around these terms. If it's not, it's not going to help you get new business and the money you invested in it was wasted.

Because without the keywords, Google's algorithm isn't going to know what your site is about or where
it should rank in the search engines.

Without ranking on page one of the search engines for buyer keywords you're going to have to consider another form of advertising for your business, and if you end up doing that what is the point of having
a website in the first place?

But if you can get a page one ranking for even a few buyer keywords you will reach more people, and your advertising cost is zero.

So now we come to most local business's websites, and if your wondering how many keywords your designer targeted the answer is the same zero. Most designers don't do ANY KEYWORD RESEARCH and even if they did they wouldn't know how to get your site ranked on google search for them.

Because to do that it's as much art as it is science, and the term "structured data" is Greek to most site designers. Used properly your site can rank for quite a few keywords, but used improperly your site can easily be marked as spam by Google's algorithm and that is something you want to avoid. (structured data is what Google's algorithm uses to define search results)

Making Google guess
One thing you, the business owner should understand, your site and google need to work hand in hand. Everything you do to your site should be reported to google, now how this is done I'll cover on the next
page but the point is if you want your website to produce a profit for your business this can't be done without google.

Now the first thing to be aware of is Google's algorithm doesn't rank websites, it ranks webpages. So every page on your site should be targeting different keywords, for example take an e-commerce store that sells all different types of products in different departments.

If Google's algorithm was just looking at the keywords of your home page, which is probably about the business those inner pages wouldn't show-up in the search results. In this business, that's called a bad thing, well another bad thing is if you make Google's algorithm guess about what each page on your business site is about.

Now Google's algorithm is very sophisticated, but when it comes to guessing not so much. That's why keywords are so very important for every page of your site. Because if you make it guess once it's possible instead of your page ranking at the top of page one for a buyer keyword, your page might be at the bottom.

But what happens if you make it guess two, three, or four times? Your site will be listed on page 2 or 5 or 10, it doesn't matter because if your site is not somewhere on page one nobody will ever see it.

Nobody goes to page 2, wait let me qualify that you have just as much chance of someone going to page 2 as you do that person not finding what they're looking for and using a different search term. And the odds of that are in the single digit percentile, with the results that you just lost a potential customer or client.

Now the whole problem with making Google guess is there are so many things that can cause that and unless your website designer is aware of these things, your business website isn't going to produce the results you had hoped for.

And after looking at hundreds of local business websites, I'm pretty sure most site designers aren't even aware of all the things that they should be aware of when it comes to building a business website. (please pardon the "aware" analogy)

website questions and answers

Keyword modifiers and the difference between buyers and window shoppers

Now I've explained quite a bit about keywords or search terms, but the fact of the matter is I've barely scratched the surface, to really make you understand
the subject I'd have to write you a book. Now first let me explain the difference between a good keyword and a bad keyword, the difference is one will
get you a potential client or customer and the other will get you "window shopper".

And as a business owner myself, I would rather have 10 potential clients than a thousand "window shoppers". Window shoppers use up bandwidth for your website and if they contact the business with questions they cost you time, and at least in my business time is money. Now keyword modifiers is just a
term to redefine a particular search term, get rid of some of the window shoppers and attract the potential customer or client.

Now there are short-term keywords and long-term keywords. Depending on what the website is offering has a lot to do with how many words I use in a
keyword, for instance if the site was about making butter by hand and you had 20k other sites competing for a particular keyword we could have
your site on page 1 in a month.

Website consultant service included

Now, if you watched our video I tried to stress not just the importance of ranking your keywords with Google but what can happen if you don't have someone keeping track of the website in relation to Google.

Your site can disappear at anytime, and if you don't have someone checking for problems and just as important knowing how to fix those problems when they show up. It is going to cost your business money.

And one thing I'm sure of is there will be problems, and if they are not dealt with they can affect the profit margin your business gets from the search engines. Because it can be weeks or months before anyone notices.

Now when we designed this business model we were aware of this and we wanted to make sure you had someone who could deal with anything that came up without you having to hire someone.

That would cost you money for a part-time consultant and it would cost you even more in lost business. For us, if one of our clients loses money we aren't doing our job, and that's not something we want to associate with our company's name.

Website consultants

Dallas, TX search engine keyword specialist for local businesses

Keyword modifers

However if your site had 50 million results in googles search engine, I would use a long tail keyword. (but I try to use only 5 words but 6 max) Now the modifier, you have your main keyword as an example say cosmetic surgery. Now first off that's a bad keyword for a website, if the site was mine I would make it liposuction, or face lifts, or breast implants.

You need to be specific because the searcher almost certainly will. As modifiers I'd use expert, best, top, custom, ect. But some of my personal favorites (because it tells me about the person doing the search) are affordable, costs, prices, quotes, plans, deals, these modifiers tell me there is a good
chance these people already have their wallet half way out of their pocket. And the final modifier I use is the name of the city and the state.

A person looking for a face lift in Lexington, KY isn't going to help your business if it's in Lexington, NC. So 5 words, "expert breast implants Lexington, NC" or "Lexington, NC breast implants costs" or at most 6 words "best breast implant quotes Lexington, NC" Now keep in mind this example is off the top of my
head, I didn't do any research on this subject which I certainly would do if I was designing a website for this business and I have no clue if they
even do breast implants in Lexington, NC. I would assume so but when I'm working I never assume anything.

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P: (214) 441-6064

400 N Ervay St
 Dallas, TX 75201