Local business website optimization Dallas, TX
Your here because your local business website isn't making you money 

Your business invested in a website to bring in new customers or clients
What you didn't expect is any website needs at least a part time consultant
And a designer who put some thought into building a site that has a positive ROI 
You have a business to run let Alexander Digital worry about a positive ROI website
After all the website really has only one function, to make the business money! 

Local business website design consultants Dallas, TX

Our solution to the problem

Now I've attempted to answer the question you the "business owner" have probably asked and why I built this site to begin with, "why isn't my website helping my business". If your site isn't showing the results you expected it's a fairly common question, not an easy one to answer and on this site I hit the high points. But I can't make you an expert on local business website design in a few pages of text and a couple videos anymore than you could make me an expert in your field.

It's just not possible, so let me ask you a question. Taking everything into account, what is the function of your business website? To have an internet
presence, you already have that. Now it might not work like you expected but perception is important too. (look at Hollywood or Washington DC)

But for your business a website only has one purpose, to bring in new customers or clients in other words to make the business a profit. That's it, that's
the reason you invested in one. Here's a novel idea, what if you had someone find these potential customers and show them your front door.

Website topics and city's, across South Carolina and Virginia

This video shows the sites that we wanted to first, use for test purposes across South Carolina and Virginia. What we needed to know we learned and now they are ready for a law firm to get the people already coming to use for potential clients.

They all look similar when the visitor comes to the site except for the city and the topic, the reason they all look similar is because it works and our bounce rate is much lower than the three biggest law firms we checked in Charleston, SC, Alexandria, VA, and Wilmington, NC.

These are the three largest cities, we targeted because of population reasons but what we found about the average bounce rates for these firms is right around 50% and the average visit duration is less than a minute.

Now the law firms all differ to a certain extent but these numbers are all pretty close, and these are not our numbers. These came from similar-web that track this kind of thing, mainly for companies in our business, but these are pretty accurate numbers.

It doesn't say great things about the companies that designed these law firm's websites, when a very high percentage spend less than a minute on the sites.

Every website needs an administrator or consultant

Now we have told you why a website administrator or a part-time consultant is important to you. One of those reasons is to update your site periodically, and
to respond to google when it finds a problem that needs to be fixed. Because no matter how well designed the site there are always problems googles
search console will pick up on that could affect the rankings of a website.

So unless you have someone monitoring this you won't even know there is a problem until the site starts slipping in the search rankings. And having a site updated on a fairly regular basis and telling google when it has been, will accomplish two important things one is and I think I mentioned this, Google
doesn't like static sites (sites that are built and never changed) it likes dynamic sites.

And as long as your site is updated regularly you are going to pass your competition in the search engines. Because they probably don't, but consultants
or administrators are expensive. What if you had one who is very good at their job and it didn't cost you a dime, sort of a free bonus.

Alexander properties group

Our business model

Now my team and I designed this business model because of an off-hand comment someone had made but for reasons I'm not even sure of it stuck in my mind. And after looking at hundreds of websites across all kinds of different professions one thing became pretty obvious to us. The average business website isn't designed to bring in new...scratch that...any business, why? I have an opinion but I don't have any facts so I can't answer that.

But what my team and I did is put our heads together and over 6 months and a lot of testing, we started answering the questions your website designer should have asked. The most obvious one to me anyway is why does someone buy, what causes someone to take their hard earned money out of their pocket and spend it on... something. We did find the answer, which has nothing to do with website design or the internet and was completely out of my field of study.

Except that...what is the human brain, it's a computer between your ears (interested in this google "cognitive psychology" or even better Carol Dweck) and learning at least some of what makes it work helped us understand how to generate a lot of business for our clients.

SEO (search engine optimization) companies are expensive, can they help?

Now I don't know if anyone told you that a good SEO (search engine optimization) company will get your site ranked on page one of Google's search engine
for a specific search term or two. But as I mentioned they're going to tell you it doesn't happen overnight, and of course they charge $1500 to $2000 a
month to do it.

So you're looking at 3 or 4 thousand dollars minimum to get your site on page 1 of the search engines for a couple keywords. My question is (and I don't
know, never used their service) do they expect you to pick the search terms to target, or do they research the subject? Are they going to redesign your
website or are they going to build a whole bunch of backlinks to point to your site. (that worked 20 years ago, today not so much)

So if your lucky it only took two months but I would count on three, so now you're close to five grand or more but your site is finally on page 1 for a few
keywords. I suppose the next question I would have is, how is that supposed to help your business? Granted someone will probably come in the door
and just as fast leave. (bounce)

Because your site wasn't designed to keep those people there, and the only thing that SEO company accomplished for you was another investment that
showed no return. Well, not to toot our own horn, but on our sites we don't target 2 or 3 keywords we target between 30 and 35 of which at least 80%
are on page 1. So what does that mean for your business, another bonus. You get SEO experts working for you as long as you're a client, and that
service is also free.

Alexander properties group

Our solution to turn a visitor into a customer

So you have your SEO experts getting potential clients to the door. Now from the title section on down the page everything that needs to keep the potential customer on your page, that's where the mindset of your visitor comes into play.

Because the site isn't about you, it's about whatever brought that person to your door and how to keep him there until they commit to something. It doesn't matter what it is, it could be taking out their credit card or sending an email message, or even making a phone call.

Because in that persons mind these are all the same things, they have made a commitment to do something and once they do that the rest is follow through.

But it's the commitment that's important, they took action and once someone does that your business makes a profit. That was part of your web designer's job, or at least it should be.

But here's another question, what would it mean to your bottom line if you had a team of people working for you who understood exactly what it took to keep that potential customer on a website. (sorry not yours, we build our own and they're not for sale)

And to be completely honest, the website is just a tool to find these people who are looking for your service or whatever you're selling. Not much different than a TV commercial was, but those days are gone.

The website is just a tool to make a sale or find a client, that is its only purpose. And we supply those,
and yes that's plural we design two sites per client.

One of the best ways we found to keep someone from bouncing

The best way we have found to keep people scrolling down the page is by telling a story. Sound simple, well... first it has to be a compelling story. One that will keep people moving down the page to find out what happens, because if it's just a bunch of facts and figures (bounce) you lost them. In our case, because we wanted to test our theory so we picked a business that was pretty close to perfect for our tests and for a number of reasons that will take too long to explain.

But we chose personal injury law firms, first because it gave us a number of different subjects to test. Car accidents, slip and fall injuries, defective products, ect.
Because first of all personal injury law firms or personal injury attorneys are terrible keywords, the human mind doesn't really work that way. One reason is if someone is in a car accident, they're not going to search personal injury firm or attorney.

They are going to search car accident lawyer, expert auto accident attorney, or best car accident law firm. Personal injury law firm websites give way to many choices and having to make choices uses energy, so as often as not the person making the choice will choose not to make one.

So for our test we didn't want to build a couple websites, we wanted to make sure of our results so we built 40 websites spread out over three states in thirty cities with various-sized populations. And we created just one injury or accident personal injury lawyers deal with per site, and this test gave us the results
we were expecting. (or at least hoped for)

Alexander properties group

The story keeps the visitor on the page

Now when it came to the story, we actually looked up various real cases and after getting rid of all the legalese and of course changing the names of the victim and leaving out the firm's name.

But the story was important because the person coming to the website very likely is going through something similar and can relate to the victim in the story.

Also they are going to want to learn what happened, because for anyone who has a potentially life changing accident or injury happen to them they are going to have questions and very few answers.

That alone should help keep them on our page to find out what happened to this person and when they come to the settlement section we wrote about it also happens to be right next to the contact section of our client as soon as we have one.

Now, I'm pretty sure the website design company you hired never made any claims the website they designed would ever bring you new business or even a visitor. Actually I'm almost positive they are told to never say any such thing, that would open them up to lawsuits from false advertising I would think. You would know more about that subject than I would, but the fact is they don't have to say anything about the subject.

To a business owner it is probably assumed and unless the business owner specifically brings it up I'm sure there salesman are very well trained to avoid the subject. And by the time the business owner figures out their website isn't performing as expected it's much to late for them to do anything about it. And most don't know enough about the subject to even have a clue as to why.

Let me show you why, using a new car

You just bought a new car, you don't know anything about the people who manufactured it but it looks flashy and will impress your friends, neighbors, and business associates. But after a few months of driving it you start to realize it doesn't do everything you thought it would. And when you ask the place
where you bought it they say sorry you wanted that car, we sold you that car if there are problems it not our responsibility.

However if you take it to these people (SEO company) they will fix the problems you think you have with the engine. However they charge quite a lot of
money so expect to pay somewhere between 5 to 10 thousand more dollars to have it run right. Then they tell you "oh one more thing" sometimes you're
going to have problems with the electrical system so when that happens here is who you need to talk to (website consultants) these people for a good
part-time consultant will charge around $150 an hour.

Now the problem I have with this is once you need to hire someone to fix someone else's design flaws, the car is never going to work as well as one
that was designed from the ground up by someone who considered not just what the car looked like but why you needed it in the first place.

Now these people over here (us) won't sell you a car (sorry) but what they will do is give you one for a monthly fee, you're never going to have to worry
about any engine problems because their car design had a lot of thought put into it before they even started manufacturing it.

Including testing all the parts across the United States in different environments,(fields of commerce) and if in the future it has any electrical problems
they will know about them before the driver does because they took this into consideration when they designed it.

And those problems won't be a problem because they are fixed before they can become a problem. And not only that we will also be testing new ways
to constantly upgrade the car to make it a better more effective car, all at no expense to you.

Website design consultants

Website design consultants Dallas, TX

Now enough of the car analogy, you bought a business website. The term should be self-explanatory, a website to find customers or clients for your business. Seems like a no-brainer to me, but that's not what you got.

What you got was a flashy car with design issues, and if you've read everything I've written about website design in here. Now you at least understand why you business website doesn't do what you expected it to do.

That is why I built this site, just to give you a good idea why your site doesn't work because I'm sure you have wondered but probably had no idea who to ask.

So at least now you know, and this website wasn't designed to drum-up business for Alexander Properties Group. We have other ways of finding potential clients, and you probably didn't notice but we don't have any Pay-Pal or credit card links here. We didn't design this for that, the only way you can use are service is to call. 

The reason we built it was for local business owners who had one question, "why doesn't our website bring in new business".

Now we did include our contact information at the bottom of each page, and we will not turn away any business owner that calls, for some businesses our fee is going to be too high and that's non-negotiable but while my team and I can help quite a few local businesses across our country.

We have started to think about other business models to help the businesses who because of their profit margin per customer can't afford to hire us. Now we haven't worked out all the things that are necessary, but we are working on it as time permits.

Dallas, TX business website optimization specialists

Our solution to local business website design

I've tried to cover most of the things that separates a local business website that makes a difference to your profit margin to one that doesn't. I know most of
the owners have had questions, and I've tried to answer most of them. Now I can't think of anything to tell you that will help you with your website problems. Other than to contact some SEO company and try and find a decent local business website consultant, if it's more important to get your customers or
clients from your site.

Except if you have made it this far, then you probably know it's a major investment in time and money, and although this is just my opinion so take it with a
grain of salt. I think our way is better and will show you a much healthier return on the rather small fee we charge each month, because one of the things
we kept in mind was the business owner and their business.

What could we do to make them as much money as we could, for our business reasons if we can do that then we will have a client for years instead of a
month or two. And as long as we are having to look for new clients, we can't be building websites and figuring out better ways to help make even more
money for our clients.

For your business we need to understand the mindset of the people who need what you have, for our business interests we also need to understand the
mindset of the business owner and what do they need$  To us this is common sense.

E: [email protected]
P: (214) 441-6064

400 N Ervay St,
Dallas, TX